# RELEASE NOTES ## spatstat 1.64-2 ### 04 November 2020 We thank Corey Anderson, Andy Craig, Marcelino de la Cruz, Pavel Fibich, Kurt Hornik, Gopalan Nair, Yonatan Rosen and Rasmus Waagepetersen for contributions. ### OVERVIEW * spatstat now depends on the new package 'spatstat.sparse'. * spatstat now depends on R version 3.5.0 or later. * Changed default value of 'stringsAsFactors'. * predict.mppm now works for multitype point process models. * Improved handling of 'newdata' in predict.mppm. * More support for multi-dimensional patterns. * Bug fixes and minor improvements. * Version nickname: "Keeping up with the K-functions" ### NEW FUNCTIONS * intersect.boxx Compute intersection of boxes in multi-dimensional space * scale.boxx, scale.ppx Methods for 'scale' for boxes and patterns in multi-dimensional space * shift.boxx, shift.ppx Methods for 'shift' for boxes and patterns in multi-dimensional space * is.boxx Determine whether an object is a multidimensional box ### SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES * package structure We have removed some internal code from spatstat to make a new sub-package 'spatstat.sparse', which is now Required by 'spatstat'. * sumouter, quadform, bilinearform These functions have been moved to the new sub-package 'spatstat.sparse'. * hyperframe, as.im.function The formal default value of 'stringsAsFactors' has been changed to 'NULL' to conform to changes in R. (The actual default value is TRUE for R < 4.1.0 and FALSE for R >= 4.1.0) * predict.mppm Now supports multitype point process models. * predict.mppm Improved handling of argument 'newdata' * densityHeat Default behaviour has changed slightly. New argument 'finespacing'. * density.lpp Accelerated when the pattern contains duplicated points. * rotmean The result now has the same 'unitname' as the input object X. New argument 'adjust' controls the smoothing bandwidth. * sessionInfo Output now includes a list of packages that are imported but not loaded. * rlabel New argument 'group' specifies that the points are divided into several groups, and that relabelling is applied within each group. * plot.psp The code for 'style="width"' has been completely rewritten, so that it no longer depends on plot.linim, and is much more efficient. The formal argument list has been extended. * mincontrast New argument 'action.bad.values' specifies what action is taken when the summary function produces NA or NaN or infinite values. * sessionLibs Package names are now sorted alphabetically. * [.linim Accelerated. * integral.im Accelerated in the case where 'domain' is a tessellation. * cbind.hyperframe Row names are not altered (previously they were altered using 'make.names') * simulate.ppm Now recognises the argument 'window' as an alternative to 'w'. * kppm Improved numerical robustness. * Kcross, Gcross, Jcross Function labels (shown on the plot legend) have been improved when i = j. * anova.mppm Issues a warning when applied to random-effects models (models fitted using the argument 'random'). * [.ppx New argument 'clip' ### BUG FIXES 1. deviance.lppm, pseudoR2.lppm Results were completely incorrect, due to a coding error. Fixed. 2. colourmap If a colour map was applied to numbers lying outside the range of the colour map, the wrong number of NA's was sometimes produced. Fixed. 3. Gest If correction="rs" or correction="km", then both the reduced-sample (border correction) and Kaplan-Meier corrected estimates were calculated. [Spotted by Gopalan Nair.] Fixed. 4. Lcross.inhom, Kcross.inhom, Kmulti.inhom The option 'correction="none"' was accepted but ignored. [Spotted by Corey Anderson.] Fixed. 5. rMatClust, rThomas, rCauchy, rVarGamma In cases where the model was degenerate (effectively a Poisson process) the result did not have attributes 'Lambda' and 'parents' even when the user requested them. Fixed. 6. model.matrix.mppm Crashed with random-effects models. Fixed. 7. anova.mppm Crashed with random-effects models. Fixed. 8. objsurf.kppm Crashed if the model was fitted by Palm likelihood (method="palm") or second order composite likelihood (method="clik2"). Fixed. 9. MinkowskiSum Crashed sometimes with an error message about 'sumconnected'. Fixed. 10. simulate.rhohat Crashed when applied to rhohat objects computed from data on a linear network. Fixed. 11. hyperframe Crashed if the argument 'row.names' was given and the hyperframe had exactly one row. Fixed.