# RELEASE NOTES ## spatstat 1.56-0 ### 15 June 2018 We thank Sebastian Meyer and Suman Rakshit for contributions. ### OVERVIEW * Kernel estimate of intensity as a function(x,y) * Extract discrete and continuous components of a measure. * Improvements and extensions to leverage and influence code. * Plot a line segment pattern using line widths. * Find connected components of each tile in a tessellation. * Geometrical operations on 'distfun' objects. * Join vertices in a linear network. * Distance map and contact distribution for rectangular structuring element. * An infinite number of infinitesimal bugs has been detected and fixed. * Version nickname: "Bondi Tram" ### NEW FUNCTIONS * densityfun, densityfun.ppp Compute a kernel estimate of intensity of a point pattern and return it as a function of spatial location. * as.im.densityfun Convert function(x,y) to a pixel image. * measureDiscrete, measureContinuous Extract the discrete and continuous components of a measure. * connected.tess Find connected components of each tile in a tessellation and make a new tessellation composed of these pieces. * dffit.ppm Effect change diagnostic DFFIT for spatial point process models. * shift.distfun, rotate.distfun, reflect.distfun, flipxy.distfun, affine.distfun, scalardilate.distfun Methods for geometrical operations on 'distfun' objects. * rescale.distfun Change the unit of length in a 'distfun' object. * plot.indicfun Plot method for indicator functions created by as.function.owin. * Smooth.leverage.ppm, Smooth.influence.ppm Smooth a leverage function or an influence measure. * integral.leverage.ppm, integral.influence.ppm Compute the integral of a leverage function or an influence measure. * mean.leverage.ppm Compute the mean value of a leverage function. * rectdistmap Distance map using rectangular metric. * rectcontact Contact distribution function using rectangular structuring element. * joinVertices Join specified vertices in a linear network. ### SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES * plot.psp Segments can be plotted with widths proportional to their mark values. New argument 'style'. * msr Infinite and NA values are now detected (if check=TRUE) and are reset to zero, with a warning. * leverage.ppm, influence.ppm, dfbetas.ppm Faster computation in some cases. * as.im.nnfun, as.im.smoothfun New argument 'approx' chooses between a fast, approximate algorithm and a slow, exact algorithm. * cdf.test More jittering is applied when jitter=TRUE. Warnings about tied values should not occur any more. * plot.im Improved behaviour when all pixel values are NA. * plot.tess Now generates a separate plot panel for each column of marks, if do.col=TRUE. New argument 'multiplot'. * pcfinhom Now handles correction='good' * solist New argument '.NameBase' * runifpointOnLines, rpoisppOnLines New argument 'drop' * plot.studpermutest This existing function now has a help file. * linnet When argument 'edges' is specified, the code now checks whether any edges are duplicated. ### BUG FIXES 1. kernel.moment Result was incorrect for kernel="cosine" and kernel="optcosine". Fixed. 2. "[.msr" Format was mangled if the subset contained exactly one quadrature point. Fixed. 3. tess If a list of tiles was given, and the tiles were pixel images or masks, their pixel resolutions were ignored, and reset to the default 128x128. Fixed. 4. plot.linim Ignored argument 'legend' when style="colour". [Spotted by Suman Rakshit.] Fixed. 5. leverage.ppm, influence.ppm, dfbetas.ppm Crashed sometimes if the model was fitted by method="logi". Fixed. 6. Smooth.ppp Crashed with some combinations of the arguments varcov and weights when X had several columns of marks. Fixed. 7. plot.tess Crashed sometimes when do.col=TRUE and values=NULL. Fixed. 8. dilation.ppp Crashed if polygonal=FALSE. 9. plot.tess Ignored the marks of a tessellation defined by a pixel image. Fixed. 10. predict.ppm Crashed when computing a confidence interval or prediction interval if 'window' was a tessellation. Fixed. 11. tiles names(tiles(x)) was not always identical to tilenames(x). Fixed. 12. model.images.lppm Crashed in many cases. Fixed. 13. model.images.lppm Names or dimnames were missing in some cases. Fixed. 14. nncross.ppp Result had the wrong format if npoints(X) = 0 and length(what) = 1. (Spotted by Sebastian Meyer). Fixed. 15. plot.colourmap Crashed if the colourmap was defined on an interval of dates or times. Fixed. 16. StraussHard, leverage.ppm, influence.ppm, dfbetas.ppm Leverage and influence calculations generated an error when applied to models fitted with the StraussHard interaction. Fixed. 17. "[.ppp" Crashed if there were several columns of marks, some of which were factors, and drop=TRUE. Fixed.