Adrian Baddeley and Ege Rubak July 15, 2019
Often the main objective is to study the “density” of points in the point pattern and to investigate any spatial variation in this density.
In a statistical approach to data analysis, we think of the observed data as the outcome of a random process.
To analyse spatial point pattern data, we will regard the observed
point pattern as a
realisation of a random point process
It is helpful to visualise a point process as a collection (“ensemble”) of many different possible outcomes. Here is one example:
The intensity of a point process is the expected number of points per
unit area. It may be a constant , or it may be spatially varying.
Intensity is an average, over all possible outcomes of the point process. We can visualise it by superimposing the ensemble of outcomes:
We will usually assume that the point process has an intensity
defined at every spatial location
. Then
is the spatially-varying expected number of points per
unit area. It is formally defined to satisfy
for any region , where
denotes the number of points falling in
Intensity is closely related to probability density. If
is a point process with
intensity function
, then each individual point inside
has probability density
, where
Because of the close relationship between intensity and probability density, methods for nonparametric estimation of the intensity function are very similar to methods for density estimation.
Given a point pattern in a window
the kernel estimate of
intensity is
where is
the smoothing kernel and
is a
correction for edge effects.
Z <- density(japanesepines, sigma=0.1)
The command in spatstat
to compute the kernel estimate of intensity is
, a method for the generic function density
The argument sigma
is the bandwidth of the smoothing
Bandwidth can be selected automatically:
## sigma
## 0.7071068
## sigma
## 0.05870841
## sigma.x sigma.y
## 0.1415691 0.1567939
A marked point pattern, with marks which are categorical values, effectively classifies the points into different types.
## Marked planar point pattern: 965 points
## Multitype, with levels = ECL, other
## window: rectangle = [0, 1] x [0, 0.81] units
plot(mucosa, cols=c(2,3))
Extract the sub-patterns of points of each type:
M <- split(mucosa)
## Point pattern split by factor
## ECL:
## Planar point pattern: 89 points
## window: rectangle = [0, 1] x [0, 0.81] units
## other:
## Planar point pattern: 876 points
## window: rectangle = [0, 1] x [0, 0.81] units
## [1] "splitppp" "ppplist" "solist" "list"
Apply kernel smoothing to each sub-pattern using density.splitppp
B <- density(M, sigma=bw.ppl)
## List of pixel images
## ECL:
## real-valued pixel image
## 128 x 128 pixel array (ny, nx)
## enclosing rectangle: [0, 1] x [0, 0.81] units
## other:
## real-valued pixel image
## 128 x 128 pixel array (ny, nx)
## enclosing rectangle: [0, 1] x [0, 0.81] units
is the intensity function of the points of type
, for
. The intensity function of all points regardless of
type is
Under reasonable assumptions, the probability that a random point at
location belongs to
We could calculate this by hand in spatstat
lambdaECL <- B[["ECL"]]
lambdaOther <- B[["other"]]
lambdaDot <- lambdaECL + lambdaOther
pECL <- lambdaECL/lambdaDot
pOther <- lambdaOther/lambdaDot
These calculations are automated in the function relrisk
V <- relrisk(mucosa, bw.ppl, casecontrol=FALSE)
plot(V, main="")
Bandwidth selection for the ratio is different from bandwidth selection
for the intensity. We recommend using the special algorithm
## sigma
## 0.1282096
Vr <- relrisk(mucosa, bw.relrisk, casecontrol=FALSE)
plot(Vr, main="")
“Segregation” occurs if the probability distribution of types of points is spatially varying.
A Monte Carlo test of segregation can be performed using the
nonparametric estimators described above. The function
performs it.
segregation.test(mucosa, sigma=0.15, verbose=FALSE)
## Monte Carlo test of spatial segregation of types
## data: mucosa
## T = 0.33288, p-value = 0.45
In some applications we believe that the intensity depends on a spatial
covariate , in the form
where is an unknown function which we want to estimate. A
nonparametric estimator of
where is a
one-dimensional smoothing kernel. This is computed by
Example: mucosa data, enterochromaffin-like cells (ECL)
E <- split(mucosa)$ECL
The wall of the gut is at the bottom of the picture. Cell density
appears to decline as we go further away from the wall. Use the string
to refer to the
g <- rhohat(E, "y")
Example: Murchison gold survey.
X <- murchison$gold
L <- murchison$faults
X <- rescale(X, 1000, "km")
L <- rescale(L, 1000, "km")
D <- distfun(L)
plot(solist(gold=X, faults=L, distance=D), main="", equal.scales=TRUE)
Gold deposits are frequently found near a geological fault line. Here we
converted the fault line pattern into a spatial covariate
h <- rhohat(X, D)
We can formulate a parametric model for the intensity and fit it to the
point pattern data, using the spatstat
function ppm
(point process
In its simplest form, ppm
fits a Poisson point process model to the
point pattern data.
The homogeneous Poisson process with intensity in two-dimensional space is characterised by the
following properties:
Here are some realisations of the homogeneous Poisson process with intensity 100 (points per unit area):
plot(rpoispp(100, nsim=12), main="", main.panel="")
The inhomogeneous Poisson process with intensity function
is characterised by the following properties:
Here are some realisations of the inhomogeneous Poisson process with
intensity function :
lam <- function(x,y) { 100 * x}
plot(rpoispp(lam, nsim=12), main="", main.panel="")
can fit a Poisson point process model to the point pattern data
by maximum likelihood.
A Poisson point process is completely specified by its intensity function. So the procedure for formulating a Poisson model is simply to write a mathematical expression for the intensity function.
In ppm
the intensity is assumed to be a loglinear function of the
parameters. That is,
where are parameters to be estimated, and
are spatial covariates.
To fit this model to a point pattern dataset X
, we type
ppm(X ~ Z1 + Z2 + .. Zp)
where Z1, Z2, ..., Zp
are pixel images or functions.
Important notes:
The model is expressed in terms of the log of the intensity.
The covariates (called the “canonical covariates”) can
be anything; they are not necessarily the same as the original
variables that we were given; they could be transformations and
combinations of the original variables.
The Poisson process with intensity function
, controlled by a parameter vector
, has
The value of which maximises
is taken as the parameter estimate
From we can compute the fitted intensity
and hence we can
generate simulated realisations.
Using the likelihood we are able to compute confidence intervals, perform analysis of deviance, conduct hypothesis tests, etc.
Example: Murchison gold data
Using the Murchison data from above,
fit <- ppm(X ~ D)
The formula implies that the model is
where is
the distance covariate (distance from location
to nearest geological
fault) and
are the regression coefficients. In other words,
the model says that the intensity of gold deposits is an exponentially
decreasing function of distance from the nearest fault.
The result of ppm
is a fitted model object of class "ppm"
. There are
many methods for this class:
## Nonstationary Poisson process
## Log intensity: ~D
## Fitted trend coefficients:
## (Intercept) D
## -4.3412775 -0.2607664
## Estimate S.E. CI95.lo CI95.hi Ztest Zval
## (Intercept) -4.3412775 0.08556260 -4.5089771 -4.1735779 *** -50.73802
## D -0.2607664 0.02018789 -0.3003339 -0.2211988 *** -12.91697
## (Intercept) D
## -4.3412775 -0.2607664
## 2.5 % 97.5 %
## (Intercept) -4.5089771 -4.1735779
## D -0.3003339 -0.2211988
anova(fit, test="Chi")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
## Df Deviance Npar Pr(>Chi)
## NULL 1
## D 1 590.92 2 < 2.2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
plot(simulate(fit, drop=TRUE))
plot(L, add=TRUE, col=3)
To visualise the intensity of the model as a function of one of the
covariates, we can use the command effectfun
plot(effectfun(fit, "D"), xlim=c(0, 20))
Example: Japanese Pines data
plot(japanesepines, pch=16)
The symbols x, y
refer to the Cartesian coordinates, and can be used
to model spatial variation in the intensity when no other covariates are
Jfit <- ppm(japanesepines ~ x + y)
## Nonstationary Poisson process
## Log intensity: ~x + y
## Fitted trend coefficients:
## (Intercept) x y
## 4.0670790 -0.2349641 0.4296171
## Estimate S.E. CI95.lo CI95.hi Ztest Zval
## (Intercept) 4.0670790 0.3341802 3.4120978 4.7220602 *** 12.1703167
## x -0.2349641 0.4305456 -1.0788181 0.6088898 -0.5457357
## y 0.4296171 0.4318102 -0.4167154 1.2759495 0.9949211
## 2.5 % 97.5 %
## (Intercept) 3.4120978 4.7220602
## x -1.0788181 0.6088898
## y -0.4167154 1.2759495
Jfit2 <- ppm(japanesepines ~ polynom(x,y,2))
## Nonstationary Poisson process
## Log intensity: ~x + y + I(x^2) + I(x * y) + I(y^2)
## Fitted trend coefficients:
## (Intercept) x y I(x^2) I(x * y) I(y^2)
## 4.0645501 1.1436854 -1.5613621 -0.7490094 -1.2009245 2.5061569
## Estimate S.E. CI95.lo CI95.hi Ztest Zval
## (Intercept) 4.0645501 0.6670766 2.7571041 5.371996 *** 6.0930788
## x 1.1436854 1.9589569 -2.6957995 4.983170 0.5838237
## y -1.5613621 1.8738722 -5.2340841 2.111360 -0.8332277
## I(x^2) -0.7490094 1.7060242 -4.0927554 2.594737 -0.4390380
## I(x * y) -1.2009245 1.4268186 -3.9974376 1.595589 -0.8416799
## I(y^2) 2.5061569 1.6013679 -0.6324664 5.644780 1.5650101
anova(Jfit, Jfit2, test="Chi")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model 1: ~x + y Poisson
## Model 2: ~x + y + I(x^2) + I(x * y) + I(y^2) Poisson
## Npar Df Deviance Pr(>Chi)
## 1 3
## 2 6 3 3.3851 0.336
## Start: AIC=-405.35
## ~x + y + I(x^2) + I(x * y) + I(y^2)
## Df AIC
## - I(x^2) 1 -407.15
## - x 1 -407.00
## - y 1 -406.67
## - I(x * y) 1 -406.63
## <none> -405.35
## - I(y^2) 1 -404.97
## Step: AIC=-407.15
## ~x + y + I(x * y) + I(y^2)
## Df AIC
## - x 1 -408.96
## - I(x * y) 1 -408.47
## - y 1 -408.45
## <none> -407.15
## - I(y^2) 1 -406.77
## Step: AIC=-408.96
## ~y + I(x * y) + I(y^2)
## Df AIC
## - I(x * y) 1 -410.17
## - y 1 -409.78
## <none> -408.96
## - I(y^2) 1 -408.48
## Step: AIC=-410.17
## ~y + I(y^2)
## Df AIC
## - y 1 -410.51
## <none> -410.17
## - I(y^2) 1 -409.66
## Step: AIC=-410.51
## ~I(y^2)
## Df AIC
## - I(y^2) 1 -410.67
## <none> -410.51
## Step: AIC=-410.67
## ~1
## Stationary Poisson process
## Intensity: 65
## Estimate S.E. CI95.lo CI95.hi Ztest Zval
## log(lambda) 4.174387 0.1240347 3.931284 4.417491 *** 33.65499
plot(simulate(Jfit2), main = "")
plot(simulate(Jfit2, nsim=12), main = "")
## Generating 12 simulated patterns ...1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
In a multi-type point pattern the points have marks which are categorical values:
## Marked planar point pattern: 965 points
## Multitype, with levels = ECL, other
## window: rectangle = [0, 1] x [0, 0.81] units
plot(mucosa, cols=c(2,3))
We can fit a Poisson model in which the intensity depends on the type of
point, using the variable name marks
in the model formula.
model0 <- ppm(mucosa ~ marks)
## Stationary multitype Poisson process
## Possible marks: 'ECL' and 'other'
## Log intensity: ~marks
## Intensities:
## beta_ECL beta_other
## 109.8765 1081.4815
## Estimate S.E. CI95.lo CI95.hi Ztest Zval
## (Intercept) 4.699357 0.1059998 4.491602 4.907113 *** 44.33365
## marksother 2.286730 0.1112542 2.068675 2.504784 *** 20.55409
## (Intercept) marksother
## 4.699357 2.286730
plot(predict(model0), equal.ribbon=TRUE)
In the formula, the marks
variable is a categorical variable. The
effect of the model formula mucosa ~ marks
is to estimate a different
intensity for each level, that is, a different intensity for each type
of point. The model formula mucosa ~ marks
is equivalent to saying
that the intensity of the points of type
for each where
are the different constant intensities
to be estimated. The actual printed output will depend on the convention
for handling “contrasts” in linear models.
The marks
variable can be combined with other explanatory variables:
model1 <- ppm(mucosa ~ marks + y)
## Nonstationary multitype Poisson process
## Possible marks: 'ECL' and 'other'
## Log intensity: ~marks + y
## Fitted trend coefficients:
## (Intercept) marksother y
## 5.131273 2.286730 -1.156055
## Estimate S.E. CI95.lo CI95.hi Ztest Zval
## (Intercept) 5.131273 0.1164479 4.903039 5.3595066 *** 44.064966
## marksother 2.286730 0.1112542 2.068675 2.5047840 *** 20.554089
## y -1.156055 0.1406821 -1.431787 -0.8803236 *** -8.217504
## (Intercept) marksother y
## 5.131273 2.286730 -1.156055
The model formula ~marks + y
states that
where and
parameters. That is, the dependence on the
coordinate has the same
“slope” coefficient
each type of point, but different types of points have different
abundance overall.
## This requires spatstat 1.60-1.006 or later
if(packageVersion("spatstat") < "1.60-1.006"){
message("This version of spatstat cannot produce the relevant type of effect plot.")
} else{
plot(effectfun(model1, "y", marks="other"),
log(.y) ~ .x, ylim=c(4,8), col=2, main="")
plot(effectfun(model1, "y", marks="ECL"),
add=TRUE, col=3, log(.y) ~ .x)
legend("bottomleft", lwd=c(1,1), col=c(2,3), legend=c("other", "ECL"))
model2 <- ppm(mucosa ~ marks * y)
## Nonstationary multitype Poisson process
## Possible marks: 'ECL' and 'other'
## Log intensity: ~marks * y
## Fitted trend coefficients:
## (Intercept) marksother y marksother:y
## 5.884603 1.452251 -3.862202 2.938790
## Estimate S.E. CI95.lo CI95.hi Ztest Zval
## (Intercept) 5.884603 0.1635842 5.563984 6.205222 *** 35.972936
## marksother 1.452251 0.1749458 1.109364 1.795139 *** 8.301149
## y -3.862202 0.5616953 -4.963104 -2.761299 *** -6.875973
## marksother:y 2.938790 0.5804890 1.801053 4.076528 *** 5.062611
## (Intercept) marksother y marksother:y
## 5.884603 1.452251 -3.862202 2.938790
The model formula ~marks * y
states that
where and
are parameters. The intensity may depend
on the
coordinate in a
completely different way for different types of points.
## This requires spatstat 1.60-1.006 or later
if(packageVersion("spatstat") < "1.60-1.006"){
message("This version of spatstat cannot produce the relevant type of effect plot.")
} else{
plot(effectfun(model2, "y", marks="other"),
log(.y) ~ .x, col=2, ylim=c(2,8), main="")
plot(effectfun(model2, "y", marks="ECL"),
add=TRUE, col=3, log(.y) ~ .x)
legend("bottomleft", lwd=c(1,1), col=c(2,3), legend=c("other", "ECL"))
Other examples to discuss:
model1xy <- ppm(mucosa ~ marks + x + y)
## Nonstationary multitype Poisson process
## Possible marks: 'ECL' and 'other'
## Log intensity: ~marks + x + y
## Fitted trend coefficients:
## (Intercept) marksother x y
## 5.135026706 2.286729721 -0.007512035 -1.156055806
## Estimate S.E. CI95.lo CI95.hi Ztest Zval
## (Intercept) 5.135026706 0.1290806 4.8820333 5.3880201 *** 39.7815429
## marksother 2.286729721 0.1112542 2.0686754 2.5047840 *** 20.5540892
## x -0.007512035 0.1115200 -0.2260873 0.2110632 -0.0673604
## y -1.156055806 0.1406820 -1.4317876 -0.8803241 *** -8.2175076
## (Intercept) marksother x y
## 5.135026706 2.286729721 -0.007512035 -1.156055806
model2xy <- ppm(mucosa ~ marks * (x + y))
## Nonstationary multitype Poisson process
## Possible marks: 'ECL' and 'other'
## Log intensity: ~marks * (x + y)
## Fitted trend coefficients:
## (Intercept) marksother x y marksother:x
## 5.85306325 1.49110635 0.06275125 -3.86220183 -0.07739871
## marksother:y
## 2.93878953
## Estimate S.E. CI95.lo CI95.hi Ztest Zval
## (Intercept) 5.85306325 0.2473601 5.3682464 6.3378801 *** 23.6621186
## marksother 1.49110635 0.2616142 0.9783520 2.0038607 *** 5.6996392
## x 0.06275125 0.3672459 -0.6570374 0.7825399 0.1708699
## y -3.86220183 0.5616962 -4.9631062 -2.7612975 *** -6.8759620
## marksother:x -0.07739871 0.3854477 -0.8328623 0.6780649 -0.2008021
## marksother:y 2.93878953 0.5804899 1.8010502 4.0765289 *** 5.0626022
## (Intercept) marksother x y marksother:x
## 5.85306325 1.49110635 0.06275125 -3.86220183 -0.07739871
## marksother:y
## 2.93878953
model3 <- ppm(mucosa ~ marks + polynom(x, y, 2))
## Nonstationary multitype Poisson process
## Possible marks: 'ECL' and 'other'
## Log intensity: ~marks + (x + y + I(x^2) + I(x * y) + I(y^2))
## Fitted trend coefficients:
## (Intercept) marksother x y I(x^2) I(x * y)
## 4.8407551 2.2867297 0.2828123 0.8046386 -0.2449076 -0.1328756
## I(y^2)
## -2.5066916
## Estimate S.E. CI95.lo CI95.hi Ztest Zval
## (Intercept) 4.8407551 0.1865057 4.4752107 5.2062995 *** 25.9550007
## marksother 2.2867297 0.1112542 2.0686754 2.5047840 *** 20.5540892
## x 0.2828123 0.4840067 -0.6658233 1.2314479 0.5843149
## y 0.8046386 0.6087936 -0.3885748 1.9978521 1.3216937
## I(x^2) -0.2449076 0.4346487 -1.0968034 0.6069882 -0.5634611
## I(x * y) -0.1328756 0.5195314 -1.1511385 0.8853873 -0.2557605
## I(y^2) -2.5066916 0.7025926 -3.8837479 -1.1296354 *** -3.5677739
## (Intercept) marksother x y I(x^2) I(x * y)
## 4.8407551 2.2867297 0.2828123 0.8046386 -0.2449076 -0.1328756
## I(y^2)
## -2.5066916
model4 <- ppm(mucosa ~ marks * polynom(x,y,2))
## Nonstationary multitype Poisson process
## Possible marks: 'ECL' and 'other'
## Log intensity: ~marks * (x + y + I(x^2) + I(x * y) + I(y^2))
## Fitted trend coefficients:
## (Intercept) marksother x
## 5.018632 2.040831 4.310737
## y I(x^2) I(x * y)
## -2.261047 -4.905847 3.086670
## I(y^2) marksother:x marksother:y
## -5.199005 -4.388268 3.579736
## marksother:I(x^2) marksother:I(x * y) marksother:I(y^2)
## 5.059764 -3.342710 2.439852
## Estimate S.E. CI95.lo CI95.hi Ztest
## (Intercept) 5.018632 0.5006414 4.0373924 5.9998706 ***
## marksother 2.040831 0.5278293 1.0063043 3.0753570 ***
## x 4.310737 1.7516879 0.8774918 7.7439820 *
## y -2.261047 2.2251226 -6.6222072 2.1001133
## I(x^2) -4.905847 1.6650184 -8.1692227 -1.6424705 **
## I(x * y) 3.086670 2.6191912 -2.0468503 8.2201905
## I(y^2) -5.199005 3.0833891 -11.2423363 0.8443271
## marksother:x -4.388268 1.8233568 -7.9619815 -0.8145540 *
## marksother:y 3.579736 2.3165955 -0.9607074 8.1201802
## marksother:I(x^2) 5.059764 1.7252514 1.6783335 8.4411947 **
## marksother:I(x * y) -3.342710 2.6736718 -8.5830101 1.8975907
## marksother:I(y^2) 2.439852 3.1699025 -3.7730426 8.6527470
## Zval
## (Intercept) 10.0244036
## marksother 3.8664599
## x 2.4609047
## y -1.0161449
## I(x^2) -2.9464219
## I(x * y) 1.1784822
## I(y^2) -1.6861331
## marksother:x -2.4066971
## marksother:y 1.5452574
## marksother:I(x^2) 2.9327692
## marksother:I(x * y) -1.2502319
## marksother:I(y^2) 0.7696931
## (Intercept) marksother x
## 5.018632 2.040831 4.310737
## y I(x^2) I(x * y)
## -2.261047 -4.905847 3.086670
## I(y^2) marksother:x marksother:y
## -5.199005 -4.388268 3.579736
## marksother:I(x^2) marksother:I(x * y) marksother:I(y^2)
## 5.059764 -3.342710 2.439852
When we have fitted a point process model to a multi-type point pattern, we can compute ratios of the intensities of different types. This is automated in relrisk.ppm:
plot(relrisk(model4, casecontrol=FALSE))
plot(relrisk(model3, casecontrol=FALSE), equal.ribbon=TRUE)
One way to test for segregation is to compare two models, with the null model stating that there is no segregation:
nullmodel <- ppm(mucosa ~ marks + polynom(x, y, 2))
altmodel <- ppm(mucosa ~ marks * polynom(x, y, 2))
anova(nullmodel, altmodel, test="Chi")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model 1: ~marks + (x + y + I(x^2) + I(x * y) + I(y^2)) Poisson
## Model 2: ~marks * (x + y + I(x^2) + I(x * y) + I(y^2)) Poisson
## Npar Df Deviance Pr(>Chi)
## 1 7
## 2 12 5 44.834 1.568e-08 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1